Aug 26, 2020
Surprise! It's the boogie man (much less fun to dance with than it sounds). And he's here to scare the pants off Amber Preston (@prestonparty) who is intrigued by horror, but a bit too scurred to watch it on her own.
Aug 20, 2020
Our friend Laser (@lasermwebber) is back and they brought us a real gem, the 2015 film Carol starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. It's beautiful and uplifting and an important movie to watch while eating chicken in a hot tub. Plus we learn about the meme, "They're lesbians, Harold" and what a motif is.
Aug 14, 2020
Our buddy Curtis Cook (@curtis_cook) is back with the show, this time bringing us a movie he likes bringing up at dinner parties. It's a 90s neo-noir where two "identical" half brothers are played by men who don't look anything like each other. Is there more to it than that? Eh, we're not sure.
Aug 7, 2020
Sarah Hatheway is back on the show as the Summer of Friends takes a dip into the world of high fashion. We visit the incredibly fun and well dress early Hepburn movie. It's a really good time.