Oct 27, 2016
Happy Tanya Day eve, everybody. Throughout the day tomorrow, please take a second to let us know how you're celebrating Tanya day, whether that's a can of chili and a British crime drama (the traditional way) or something new and different. Just send us a note and a photo if you can, telling us how you're...
Oct 26, 2016
For the finale of #TheRocktober, we checked out Pain ampersand Gain, the light hearted comedy about a real group of body builders who tortured a business man for a month, stole everything he had, and murdered two other people.
Okay, okay, it's not funny that those things really happened. And okay, it's not funny in the...
Oct 19, 2016
Apparently we're the weird ones here, but we haven't watched all the Rocky movies. Chris has seen two, Alex three, and this is Tanya's first. What a way to be introduced to the franchise, huh? Rocky is retired but still rich enough to buy robots for people who don't want them and watch friends die in the ring.
But he...
Oct 12, 2016
"Okay, okay, okay, okay so get this. The Rock, you know how he's huge, right? What if we dressed--sorry, I can't stop laughing--what if we dressed his giant ass up in a--I know, I know--what if we dressed him like the tooth fairy? AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Maybe he plays hockey or some shit, the end." -The...
Oct 5, 2016
Happy #TheRockTober JohnsTober everybody!
We're kicking things off in high gear (mixed metaphor) with the 5th and our 3rd Fast & Furious movie we've watched in reverse order.
Watch as Vin and Friends drive cars quickly and rob shit. Then watch as The Rock punches Vin and gets punched back. Then watch as they all drive...