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Read it and Weep

Jun 25, 2014

Do I like this? Do I hate it? Am I hungry? It's so hard to tell when you're watching Gunhed. It makes less sense than a Braille street sign.

The movie Gunhed is, and I'm mostly just guessing here, a thrilling tale of one man's quest to defeat a giant robot using another less giant robot because the bigger robot owes his...

Jun 18, 2014

In 1979, Scott Spencer wrote a novel called Endless Love about two kids who have sex and set things on fire. In 1981, Franco Zeffirelli directed a film adaptation removing some of the creepy elements. In 2014, Shana Feste directed a remake that removed all of the plot elements.

That's all the back story you need to jump...

Jun 12, 2014

#PODCRAWL is back! This time around we've partnered with Bonnie & Maude and Proudly Resents to tackle three Batman sequels from the 90s. Smack dab in the middle is this gem, Batman Forever, AKA a long preview of the Seal's "Kissed by a Rose" music video.

We're joined by Alison AKA Instagram's @taintdog to talk about tap...

Jun 4, 2014

The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen is a heart warming story about a loving family celebrating the holidays.

Correction: In the previous paragraph we mis-identified The Corrections as being heart warming, when it is actually the gut-wrenching recitation of several horrible people bickering for hundreds of pages. We...