Jun 28, 2023
The world has seen many heros over the years. But it has never seen a puzzle-solving sword-wielding short king constantly dressed for a night at a gay dance club until Link came along. We discuss a little history of the Zelda franchise, the different ways we each approached Tears of the Kingdom, and Alex's conspiracy...
Jun 15, 2023
Are arcades the best thing ever? For three guys raised in the 90s, we definitely think they could be. They've got games, they've got yelling, they've got variety. Lots of the things that are high on the list already.
Plus Hunter finally unveils his definitive list of the 11 best arcade cabinets of all time and number 1...
Jun 8, 2023
We've got TikTok sensation and creator of wild projects Kyle Scheele on but he disagreed with the entire premise of the show. So instead of picking one best thing ever we just talked about four random interesting things: Ball Jars, the meta-sweater, tragedy themed commerce, and the hype cycle.
Jun 1, 2023
Brilliant comedian Myq Kaplan and RiaW favorite Amanda Leinbaugh joins us to talk about his favorite thing, advice columns. We do a shallow dive into the history from the first one ever to the sibling rivalry that defined advice for many decades. Then we play a new game called The Second Opinion where Ezra, Amanda, and...