Oct 21, 2015
5,000 years before the events of The Mummy, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was The Scorpion King. A half man half scorpionking, a warrior unlike any before him, an anachronistic pile of charming muscle.
It's a fine movie, great for son and divorced father to wile away an hour and a half on an alternate Saturday.
Today's episode is brought to you by our first ever Meat Market vendor, Nathan Heigert. His graphic novel Shade: The Dying World is up on Kickstarter and you should back it now. It looks great. As a special for RiaW listeners, anybody who pledges $35 or over will get a free sketch in addition to this week's special bookmarks/needlepoint promotion.
Find out more about the Meat Market at meatmarket.space.
Also, here's a blurry screen-grab of when Ezra's baby showed up dressed as mustard: