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Read it and Weep

Jan 26, 2022

Season 5's second move: Alex swims through Noah Taylor to the 2004 Wes Anderson flick The Life Aquatic that is stylistic as hell but doesn't quite come together for us, landing it as only the 3rd best movie of the new season.
Next up: Anthony flies via Anjelica Huston to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, depriving Alex...

Jan 19, 2022

For the first move of the game, Ezra chose to move via Bill Paxton to the 2014 Cruise Missile movie Edge of Tomorrow AKA Live. Die. Repeat if you like spoilers in your title. The movie is great but it ends up in a somewhat controversial place in our Season 5 masterlist. What are your thoughts?

Next up: Alex moves via...

Jan 12, 2022

Welcome to a brand new season of Read it and Weep! This year we're doing something slightly different: we're playing an overly complicated game called Kevin Bacon's Exquisite Corpse. Listen now for all the rules and a fun conversation about Thomas the Hank Engine in space.