Jun 29, 2017
Periodically I like to check in and see what Ezra's son Caleb is watching. He's my real barometer of the 5-and-order crowd. But this time I wanted to get a second opinion, so I asked my friend Tyler Boeh what HIS son was watching, and low-and-behold both little ones are into Bubble Guppies, which means it has to...
Jun 21, 2017
I had jury duty this week, so I made everybody watch my favorite episodic background show Law & Order. Not SVU, the one with all the oogie stuff. Not any of the other numerous spinoffs in the Dick Wolfiverse. Just plain law and normal order.
I love this show for reasons I can't quite explain, but mostly it's the...
Jun 14, 2017
Nobody likes the new The Mummy movie starring Tom Cruise. Well, nobody but Alex, who loves it. While he plants his chair firmly on the wrong side of history, everybody else discusses what they didn't love about it: it feels disjointed, trying too hard to make a cinematic universe, Tom Cruise is too old to play a pervy...
Jun 7, 2017
The 90s were a simpler time. Sure, humans were in the process of doing irreversible damage to the planet, but fortunately Ted Turner gave five dumb kids who could fail to help the earth before calling a super hero to fix everything.
With their powers combined, those weird stereotypes call Captain Planet, a pun-based...